Posted in Writing articles

How to avoid writing about a ‘banned’ topic

Here’s one way of ethically avoiding mentioning the corona virus if you’re writing a novel. ‘Ethically’ means not being sneaky,…

Posted in Writing articles

When it isn’t okay to say okay

Writing Plague Doctor Three (and Plague Doctor Two) created a few problems. Linguistic and cultural problems. Rylee, the main character,…

Posted in Writing articles

How to chill to an ambiguous word

That embarrassing moment when you realise that you’ve written a word that can also mean something else. For example. This…

Posted in Writing articles

First, do no harm

It’s easy to be contemptous of history, contemptous of historical figures, to mock certain military generals for their mistakes, for…

Posted in Writing articles

To my horror

This piece of writing seemed fine at first but when I edited it I saw that it didn’t make sense,…

Posted in Writing articles

Scene breaks overkill

Scene breaks are a way of separating scenes in novels, to distinguish the end of one scene and the beginning…

Posted in Writing articles

Are you ready now?

Or are you now ready? This was a pretty interesting exercise in how to use your writing skills, and it…

Posted in Writing articles

Shooting a promotional video for a historical novel

Just a few thoughts on shooting a promotional video to publicise a historical novel and posting it on social media…

Posted in Writing articles

How to avoid repetitive writing

How to avoid using the same word too often, and in too close proximity to the next instance of it.

Posted in Writing articles

How to avoid repetitious writing

A way of avoiding repetitive writing, with examples from a novel.