In love with a plague doctor part 3

Plague doctor and San Francisco bridge with In love with a plague doctor title and heart

My eager lips move towards the plague doctor’s beak and for a moment I hope that I might kiss him.

Is it my imagination or does it open slightly?

Does this mean that he’s also becoming passionate?

But my moment of love and tenderness, the moment that I’ve been waiting for all my life, the moment when I will fall in love with a plague doctor, and he will fall in love with me, is not to be.

Suddenly the door bursts open and someone is standing there.

It’s Hanson, his coach driver.

“Doctor – an emergency!” he yells.

“Oh my God!

A plague doctor emergency!

I’m not only in love with a plague doctor – I’m in love with a plague doctor who treats emergencies!

Does this mean that I might marry him, and as the wife of a respectable and respected plague doctor, enjoy a nice comfortable middle class lifestyle, in a nice suburb?

A nice suburb where other professional doctors live?

Neurologists, people like that?

Will I chat with their wives at parties while the plague doctor discusses  matters of a serious medical nature with his fellow professionals in the field of advanced medicine?

The plague doctor interrupts my day dreams.

“I must leave you” he says tersely.

“I have a patient to attend!”

I’m distraught at the thought of being alone without him.

In love with a plague doctor part 5

In love with a plague doctor part 4

In love with a plague doctor part 3

In love with a plague doctor part 2

In love with a plague doctor part 1

Author: Paul Gresham

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